Make Changes To Live Smarter

Boost Your Brain Power With These Superfoods!

Are you overwhelmed by the amount of information to take in? Are you in a constant search of how to "hack" your productivity? Do you want to optimize your workflow? And basically, be a superhuman? We live in a fast-paced, constantly-connected world. It's no wonder that we are all searching for ways to be more efficient and get ahead.

But what if I told you that there is one simple way to boost your brain power, sharpen your mind, and improve your memory? And what if I told you that this solution is something you already have easy access to?

You guessed it: FOOD. And not just any food but “superfoods”. These are packed in nutrients shown to boost brainpower.

You are what you eat, after all. And if you want your brain to be in tip-top shape, you need to feed it the right nutrients.

Are you as excited about superfoods' brain-boosting potential as much as we are? Here's an informative list to get you started on your path to becoming an all-star brainiac:

Fatty fish

How can something that's fatty be good for you? It doesn't make sense, but that's what science says. Our brain is made up of 60% fat. But are you aware that half of that fat consists of omega-3 fatty acids?

And did you know that our body can't make omega-3s out from scratch? We must get them through food.

Fatty fish is one of the best things you can eat for your brain. Among these are salmon, mackerel, herring, tuna, and sardines.

We love salmon and tuna. I mean, who doesn't? The taste, the texture, the versatility... it's all amazing. But lately, we've been thinking about the science behind why fatty fish is so good for the brain. And that is because they are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 is linked to the following brain benefits:

Overall, fatty fish boosts brain health and function.

Add salmon to your diet: Stick with wild salmon as your best bet. There are almost as many tasty salmon recipes as there are fish in the sea, so choose your favorite and enjoy!


Eggs are not only a breakfast staple. They're also an excellent source of the following brain-boosting nutrients:

Now you know better not to skip breakfast! Studies have also shown that eating breakfast improves short-term memory and attention.

Add eggs to your diet: You can’t go wrong with eggs cooked however you like them.


Imagine a world if this bright yellow spice was unavailable. Now, more than ever, we need a potent nutritional supplement like turmeric. Curcumin, the primary active component, is responsible for a number of benefits for the brain.

Did you know that curcumin can cross the blood-brain barrier? Like alcohol, it can bypass the digestive system entirely and go straight to the brain.

Curcumin contains strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant components. Studies have associated it with a variety of cognitive advantages.

Add turmeric to your diet: Take a teaspoonful of turmeric or blend it with a drink or smoothie. If turmeric is already an everyday spice for you, make sure to add black pepper. It will help your body absorb the curcumin more.


Have you been snacking on blueberries lately? I know it’s part of your diet because of their well-known health benefits. But did you know that these extend to the brain as well?

Blueberries are your besties for boosting brain power and memory. And here’s exactly why:

Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital recently conducted an interesting research. Data showed that women who ingested two or more servings of strawberries and blueberries each week prevented memory impairment. Results have been consistent for up to two and a half years!

Add blueberries to your diet: Simply enjoy a handful of berries. A blueberry pancake or smoothie bowl is another healthy option for a morning meal.

Green Tea

Green means healthy and green tea is no exception. But what’s in it that is beneficial to the brain?

Add green tea to your diet: A cup of green tea is perfect for when you need a boost but don't want to give in to caffeine's addictive pull.

Dark Chocolate

Which superfood will put your brain in a good mood? That’s right! It’s dark chocolate. They contain 70% cocoa content compared to only 10-50% of regular milk chocolate.

Flavonoids, caffeine, and antioxidants? Dark chocolates are surely packed with brain-boosting compounds. And what do they do?

Add dark chocolates to your diet: Grab a bite of your favorite dark chocolate brand on the go!


Got a tough exam coming up? Add broccoli to supercharge your salad! Just what is it about this mysterious dark green veggie that can help you ace an exam?

Add broccoli to your diet: Simple is best; broccoli will supercharge your salad. Or try a broccoli stir-fry for a healthy lunch or dinner.

Soybean products

Have you been forgetting things lately? Where did you put your keys? Did you bump into a friend you haven’t seen in a while and were too embarrassed to say you forgot their name? This is where you can rely on your favorite soybean products.

Who knows eating tofu or drinking soymilk or even adding soy sauce to your food could be so beneficial?

As we age, we are at risk of dementia and poor cognitive functions. Studies have shown that polyphenols found in soybean products have been related to lowering the risk of such.

If you want to dive deep into which polyphenols we are talking about, these are called isoflavones, daidzein, and genistein. These are all antioxidants!

Add soybean products to your diet: Tofu is nothing to be afraid of. Add any spices, herbs, or fruits you choose for a personal touch. Silken tofu, with its velvety and airy texture, creates a great low-calorie dip for chips.


Is the brain fog getting the better of you lately? Grab a handful of nuts or make a health trail mix to support your brain’s wellness – from blood flow to brain waves!

Vitamin E, antioxidants, and healthy fats support the brain-health benefits of nuts.

Add nuts to your diet: Snack on nuts to satisfy your midday hunger. For extra crunch, add them to your salad or oatmeal. Or mix them into a broccoli stir-fry for extra protein. Two superfoods in one meal!

Pumpkin seeds

Want to focus on brain health? Don’t toss those pumpkin seeds aside! Snack on them as you study or whenever you take in a lot of information.

A healthy brain relies on all of these nutrients that pumpkin seeds offer:

Some animal studies suggest pumpkin seeds may also help with memory enhancement.

Add pumpkin seeds to your diet: Peel off the white shell and enjoy your snack! Or you can roast them for a twist.

Get your fill of whatMother Nature has to offer. Feed your brain with superfoods today and it willthank you later. Make some changes now, and live smarter!